Weekly Archaeology and Ancient History Roundup – week ending July 8th, 2023

Welcome to our weekly roundup of captivating discoveries in archaeology and ancient history. This week’s selection offers a deep dive into maritime archaeology, a glimpse into the spiritual practices of the ancient Maya, and a look at how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing our understanding of ancient languages. We invite you to explore these stories and encourage you to visit ruinsandrelics.com daily and subscribe for updates to stay abreast of the latest developments in the field.

In an unexpected discovery off the coast of Šćedro Island, Croatia, scuba divers training for underwater mine clearing operations stumbled upon a well-preserved shipwreck. The sunken vessel, laden with ancient Roman pottery dating back to the 3rd century B.C., offers a unique snapshot of the maritime activities of the ancient Roman empire. To delve deeper into this fascinating find, click here to read more.

Meanwhile, near the ancient city of Chichén Itzá, Mexico, researchers have unearthed what they believe to be a ‘portal to the underworld’. This site, surrounded by human and animal skeletons and featuring a canoe, is thought to have been used by the Maya for an ancient ritual guiding the dead into the next life. This discovery enriches our understanding of Mayan beliefs and practices. For more details on this intriguing discovery, click here to read more.

In the realm of language and technology, artificial intelligence is being harnessed to translate ancient texts and languages into English. This includes ancient Cuneiform and Egyptian hieroglyphs, among others. This innovative use of AI is unlocking the secrets of ancient civilizations, making their rich histories more accessible to a wider audience. To learn more about this groundbreaking work, click here to read more.

As we conclude this week’s roundup, these discoveries serve as a powerful reminder of the vast and varied tapestry of human history that is still waiting to be fully explored. From the depths of the sea to the mysteries of the underworld, and the frontiers of artificial intelligence, the past continues to inform and inspire our present. We look forward to bringing you more stories from the world of archaeology and ancient history, and invite you to join us at ruinsandrelics.com for daily updates. Don’t forget to subscribe to become part of our community of history enthusiasts.


  1. Pflughoeft, A. (2023). Scuba divers stumble on 2,200-year-old shipwreck along coast of Croatia. Miami Herald. Retrieved from https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/article276758091.html
  2. McAllister, L. (2023). ‘Portal to the underworld’ found surrounded by human remains and animal bones. Dailystar.co.uk. Retrieved from https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/portal-underworld-found-surrounded-human-30386413
  3. Nelson, J. (2023). Researchers Are Breaking Ancient Language Barriers With AI. Decrypt. Retrieved from https://decrypt.co/147176/ai-ancient-language-translation-cuneiform-akkadian

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